Search Results: "dsw"

28 September 2014

Benjamin Mako Hill: Community Data Science Workshops Post-Mortem

Earlier this year, I helped plan and run the Community Data Science Workshops: a series of three (and a half) day-long workshops designed to help people learn basic programming and tools for data science tools in order to ask and answer questions about online communities like Wikipedia and Twitter. You can read our initial announcement for more about the vision. The workshops were organized by myself, Jonathan Morgan from the Wikimedia Foundation, long-time Software Carpentry teacher Tommy Guy, and a group of 15 volunteer mentors who taught project-based afternoon sessions and worked one-on-one with more than 50 participants. With overwhelming interest, we were ultimately constrained by the number of mentors who volunteered. Unfortunately, this meant that we had to turn away most of the people who applied. Although it was not emphasized in recruiting or used as a selection criteria, a majority of the participants were women. The workshops were all free of charge and sponsored by the UW Department of Communication, who provided space, and the eScience Institute, who provided food. cdsw_combo_images-1The curriculum for all four session session is online: The workshops were designed for people with no previous programming experience. Although most our participants were from the University of Washington, we had non-UW participants from as far away as Vancouver, BC. Feedback we collected suggests that the sessions were a huge success, that participants learned enormously, and that the workshops filled a real need in the Seattle community. Between workshops, participants organized meet-ups to practice their programming skills. Most excitingly, just as we based our curriculum for the first session on the Boston Python Workshop s, others have been building off our curriculum. Elana Hashman, who was a mentor at the CDSW, is coordinating a set of Python Workshops for Beginners with a group at the University of Waterloo and with sponsorship from the Python Software Foundation using curriculum based on ours. I also know of two university classes that are tentatively being planned around the curriculum. Because a growing number of groups have been contacting us about running their own events based on the CDSW and because we are currently making plans to run another round of workshops in Seattle late this fall I coordinated with a number of other mentors to go over participant feedback and to put together a long write-up of our reflections in the form of a post-mortem. Although our emphasis is on things we might do differently, we provide a broad range of information that might be useful to people running a CDSW (e.g., our budget). Please let me know if you are planning to run an event so we can coordinate going forward.

17 August 2014

Jamie McClelland: Getting to know systemd

Update 2014-08-20: apcid needs tweaking. See update section below. Somehow both my regular work laptop and home entertainment computers (both running Debian Jessie) were switched to systemd without me noticing. Judging from by dpkg.log it may have happened quite a while ago. I'm pretty sure that's a compliment to the backwards compatibility efforts made by the systemd developers and a criticism of me (I should be paying closer attention to what's happening on my own machines!). In any event, I've started trying to pay more attention now - particularly learning how to take advantage of this new software. I'll try to keep this blog updated as I learn. For now, I have made a few changes and discoveries. First - I have a convenient bash wrapper I use that both starts my OpenVPN client to a samba server and then mounts the drive. I only connect when I need to and rarely do I properly disconnect (the OpenVPN connection does not start automatically). So, I've written the script to carefully check if my openvpn connection is present and either restart or start depending on the results. I had something like this:
if ps -eFH   egrep [o]penvpn; then
  sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn restart
  sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn start
One of the advertised advantages of systemd is the ability to more accurately detect if a service is running. So, first I changed this to:
if systemctl -q is-active openvpn.service; then
  sudo systemctl restart openvpn.service
  sudo systemctl start openvpn.service
However, after reviewing the man page I realized I can shorten if further to simply:
  sudo systemctl restart openvpn.service
According to the man page, restart means:
Restart one or more units specified on the command line. If the units are not
running yet, they will be started.
After discovering this meaning for "restart" in systemd, I tested and realized that "restart" works the same way for openvpn using the old sysv style init system. Oh well. At least there's a man page and a stronger guarantee that it will work with all services, not just the ones that happen to respect that convention in their init.d scripts. The next step was to disable openvpn on start up. I confess, I never bothered to really learn update-rc.d. Everytime I read the manpage I ended up throwing up my hands and renaming symlinks by hand. In the case of openvpn I had previously edited /etc/default/openvpn to indicate that "none" of the virtual private networks should be started. Now, I've returned that file to the default configuration and instead I ran:
systemctl disable openvpn.service
UPDATES 2014-08-20: I've recently noticed strange behavior when I wake my laptop. Seems to sometimes go right back to sleep. After doing some digging I traced the problem to some customizations I have made to my laptop's acpid behavior combined with systemd taking over some apci events. Up to now, I have created my own /etc/acpi files so I have full control over the acpi events. In particular, I don't want my laptop to suspend when I close the lid. I only want it to suspend when I press the suspend key. And, when it does suspend, I want it to run my own personal suspend script so I can do things like lock the screen and restart tint2. I've found that systemd launches it's own acpi event monitoring that ignores my /etc/acpid rules (the systemd "unit" that monitors events is called acpid.socket which exists in addition to acpid.service). The systemd reaction to events is controlled by the systemd-logind.service which has a configuration file: /etc/systemd/logind.conf. By default, systemd-logind.service will put my laptop to sleep when the lid is closed and when the suspend button is pushed. systemd seems to get the signal first, putting the laptop to sleep. After I wake it up, acpid gets the signal - so it goes right back to sleep. Reading man logind.conf helps. I was able to restore my desired behavior by adding these lines to /etc/systemd/logind.conf:
Then: sudo systemctl restart systemd-logind.service.

21 July 2014

Francois Marier: Creating a modern tiling desktop environment using i3

Modern desktop environments like GNOME and KDE involving a lot of mousing around and I much prefer using the keyboard where I can. This is why I switched to the Ion tiling window manager back when I interned at Net Integration Technologies and kept using it until I noticed it had been removed from Debian. After experimenting with awesome for 2 years and briefly considering xmonad , I finally found a replacement I like in i3. Here is how I customized it and made it play nice with the GNOME and KDE applications I use every day.

Startup script As soon as I log into my desktop, my startup script starts a few programs, including: Because of a bug in gnome-settings-daemon which makes the mouse cursor disappear as soon as gnome-settings-daemon is started, I had to run the following to disable the offending gnome-settings-daemon plugin:
dconf write /org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/cursor/active false

Screensaver In addition, gnome-screensaver didn't automatically lock my screen, so I installed xautolock and added it to my startup script:
xautolock -time 30 -locker "gnome-screensaver-command --lock" &
to lock the screen using gnome-screensaver after 30 minutes of inactivity. I can also trigger it manually using the following shortcut defined in my ~/.i3/config:
bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+l exec xautolock -locknow

Keyboard shortcuts While keyboard shortcuts can be configured in GNOME, they don't work within i3, so I added a few more bindings to my ~/.i3/config:
# volume control
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec /usr/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -- '-5%'
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec /usr/bin/pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -- '+5%'
# brightness control
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec xbacklight -steps 1 -time 0 -dec 5
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec xbacklight -steps 1 -time 0 -inc 5
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec /usr/bin/pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle
# show battery stats
bindsym XF86Battery exec gnome-power-statistics
to make volume control, screen brightness and battery status buttons work as expected on my laptop. These bindings require the following packages:

Keyboard layout switcher Another thing that used to work with GNOME and had to re-create in i3 is the ability to quickly toggle between two keyboard layouts using the keyboard. To make it work, I wrote a simple shell script and assigned a keyboard shortcut to it in ~/.i3/config:
bindsym $mod+u exec /home/francois/bin/toggle-xkbmap

Suspend script Since I run lots of things in the background, I have set my laptop to avoid suspending when the lid is closed by putting the following in /etc/systemd/login.conf:
Instead, when I want to suspend to ram, I use the following keyboard shortcut:
bindsym Ctrl+Mod1+s exec /home/francois/bin/s2ram
which executes a custom suspend script to clear the clipboards (using xsel), flush writes to disk and lock the screen before going to sleep. To avoid having to type my sudo password every time pm-suspend is invoked, I added the following line to /etc/sudoers:
francois  ALL=(ALL)  NOPASSWD:  /usr/sbin/pm-suspend

Window and workspace placement hacks While tiling window managers promise to manage windows for you so that you can focus on more important things, you will most likely want to customize window placement to fit your needs better.

Working around misbehaving applications A few applications make too many assumptions about window placement and are just plain broken in tiling mode. Here's how to automatically switch them to floating mode:
for_window [class="VidyoDesktop"] floating enable
You can get the Xorg class of the offending application by running this command:
xprop   grep WM_CLASS
before clicking on the window.

Keeping IM windows on the first workspace I run Pidgin on my first workspace and I have the following rule to keep any new window that pops up (e.g. in response to a new incoming message) on the same workspace:
assign [class="Pidgin"] 1

Automatically moving workspaces when docking Here's a neat configuration blurb which automatically moves my workspaces (and their contents) from the laptop screen (eDP1) to the external monitor (DP2) when I dock my laptop:
# bind workspaces to the right monitors
workspace 1 output DP2
workspace 2 output DP2
workspace 3 output DP2
workspace 4 output DP2
workspace 5 output DP2
workspace 6 output eDP1
You can get these output names by running:
xrandr --display :0   grep " connected"
Finally, because X sometimes fail to detect my external monitor when docking/undocking, I also wrote a script to set the displays properly and bound it to the appropriate key on my laptop:
bindsym XF86Display exec /home/francois/bin/external-monitor

16 March 2014

Benjamin Mako Hill: Community Data Science Workshops in Seattle

Photo from the Boston Python Workshop   a similar workshop run in Boston that has inspired and provided a template for the CDSW.

Photo from the Boston Python Workshop a similar workshop run in Boston that has inspired and provided a template for the CDSW.

On three Saturdays in April and May, I will be helping run three day-long project-based workshops at the University of Washington in Seattle. The workshops are for anyone interested in learning how to use programming and data science tools to ask and answer questions about online communities like Wikipedia, Twitter, free and open source software, and civic media. The workshops are for people with no previous programming experience and the goal is to bring together researchers as well as participants and leaders in online communities. The workshops will all be free of charge and open to the public given availability of space. Our goal is that, after the three workshops, participants will be able to use data to produce numbers, hypothesis tests, tables, and graphical visualizations to answer questions like: If you are interested in participating, fill out our registration form here. The deadline to register is Wednesday March 26th. We will let participants know if we have room for them by Saturday March 29th. Space is limited and will depend on how many mentors we can recruit for the sessions. If you already have experience with Python, please consider helping out at the sessions as a mentor. Being a mentor will involve working with participants and talking them through the challenges they encounter in programming. No special preparation is required. If you re interested, send me an email.

13 February 2014

Jonathan McCrohan: HP Firmware Updates (or lack thereof)

HP recently announced that they are no longer offering free firmware updates for their ProLiant line of servers. I have a HP ProLiant G7 N36L MicroServer at home (running Debian stable, naturally) which I got back in early 2011. While it has, and continues, to serve me well, I'll have to reconsider my options when I go looking for a replacement. This is a pity because I really like the MicroServer form factor. As recently as November 2013, HP released a BIOS update to fix random lockups when installing Windows 8.1/2012 R2 on a MicroServer (I'd never ever be running these operating systems, but the point still stands). I'd be worried if I couldn't upgrade my system for fear of uncovering a bug in firmware that I couldn't get an update for. Non-free firmware is bad, but in certain circumstances, it can be tolerated. Non-free firmware behind a paywall is worse, and can never be tolerated.

21 January 2013

Russ Allbery: Have some clouds

It's been a long time since I've posted any photographs here (about 15 months, it looks like), so have some clouds. Windswept clouds This also serves as a test for whether the scripts I use to post photographs have been properly converted to Git. (And a test to see if the occasional amateur photograph eating up screen real estate will provoke annoyed mutters from the direction of Planet Debian, although so far no complaints over my even-longer book reviews.) I'm still taking photographs occasionally, although not as much as I was at one point. Too many hobbies and not enough time. Part of why I've been slow in posting them is that I was bad about keeping notes about where I took them and bad about keeping up with sorting through them. So I have large collections of photographs from some days where I don't remember exactly where I was, and where I've not already singled out the ones that are worth sharing. One of the things my hobbies always seem to generate is yet another pile of stuff that's not organized quite to my liking. Maybe some evening I'll feel inspired to do a bit more sorting. This is a long weekend in the US for some of us, myself included, so I get another day in this weekend. Which is good, since I've only gotten to a fraction of what I wanted to get to, although at least I found several hours to play video games today. I have finally converted PGP::Sign to Git, so I have no more personal Subversion repositories, but I forgot how much code I'd written to handle its build-time configuration. All of that desperately needs to be reworked, so it's going to take a bit longer than I expected before I can push out another release.

5 October 2012

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RProtoBuf 0.2.6

Release 0.2.6 of RProtoBuf arrived on CRAN earlier this morning. RProtoBuf provides GNU R bindings for the Google Protobuf data encoding library used and released by Google. This release was once more driven largely by Murray whom we have now added among the list of authors of the package too. The NEWS file entry follows below:
Changes in version 0.2.6 (2012-10-04)
  • Applied several more patches by Murray to
    • correct '_' and '__' mismatches in wrapper calls
    • update a few manual pages for style, and add examples
    • fix a bug where NAs were silently treated as TRUE for logical/bool types
    • fix a bug that caused crashes when adding vectors to optional fields
    • fix bugs in readASCII that returned empty protocol buffers when the file or connection could not be opened
    • distinguish between non-existant and not-set fieldswith has() by returning NULL in the former case.
    • fix a bug that caused non-deterministic behavior when setting a repeated message field in a protobuf to a single Message.
    • add unit tests for all of the above.
  • Added Murray to Authors: field in DESCRIPTION
  • Removed old and unconvincing example on RProtoBuf for storage and serialization in an imagined HighFrequencyFinance context
CRANberries also provides a diff to the previous release 0.2.5. More information is at the RProtoBuf page which has a draft package vignette, a 'quick' overview vignette and a unit test summary vignette. Questions, comments etc should go to the rprotobuf mailing list off the RProtoBuf page at R-Forge.

2 May 2012

Uwe Hermann: sigrok - cross-platform, open-source logic analyzer software with protocol decoder support

sigrok logo I'm happy to finally announce an open-source (GNU GPL), cross-platform (Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Windows, ...) logic analyzer software package myself and Bert Vermeulen have been working on for quite a long time now: sigrok (it groks your signals). History I originally started working on an open-source logic analyzer software named "flosslogic" in 2010, because I grew tired of almost all devices having a proprietary and Windows-only software, often with limited features, limited input/output file formats, limited usability, limited protocol decoder support, and so on. Thus, the goal was to write a portable, GPL'd, software that can talk to many different logic analyzers via modules/plugins, supports many input/output formats, and many different protocol decoders. The advantage being, that every time we add a new driver for another logic analyzer it automatically supports all the input/output formats we already have, you can use all the protocol decoders we already wrote, etc. It also works the other way around: If someone writes a new protocol decoder or file format driver, it can automatically be used with any of the supported logic analyzers out of the box. Turns out Bert Vermeulen had been working on a similar software for a while too (due to exactly the same reasons, crappy Windows software, etc.) so it was only logical that we joined forces and worked on this together. We kept Bert's name for the software package ("sigrok"), set up a SourceForge project, mailing lists, IRC channel, wiki, etc. and started working. Overview, Features You can get the lastest sigrok source code from our main git repository:
  $ git clone git://
Here's a short overview of sigrok and its features as of today. The software consists of the following components: We're happy to hear about other (maybe special-purpose) frontends you may want to write using libsigrok/libsigrokdecode as helper libs! Firmware Saleae Logic Some logic analyzer devices require firmware to be uploaded before they can be used. As always, firmware is a bit of a pain, but here's what we currently do: For non-free firmware we provide instructions how to extract it from the vendor software or from USB dumps, if possible. For distributable firmware we have a git repo where you can get it (thanks ASIX for allowing us to distribute the ASIX Sigma/Sigma2 firmware files!).
  $ git clone git://
Finally, for all Cypress FX2 based logic analyzers we have an open-source (GNU GPL) firmware named fx2lafw, started by myself, but most work (and finishing the firmware) was then done by Joel Holdsworth, thanks! The support list includes Saleae Logic, CWAV USBee SX, CWAV USBee AX, Robomotic Minilogic/BugLogic3, Braintechnology USB-LPS, and many others. Get the code from the fw2lafw git repository:
  $ git clone git://
Example dumps We collect various captured logic analyzer signals / protocol dumps in the sigrok-dumps git repository:
  $ git clone git://
They can be useful for testing the sigrok command-line application, the sigrok GUIs, or the protocol decoders. We're happy to include further contributed example data in our repository, please send us .sr files of any interesting data/protocol you may come across (even if sigrok doesn't yet have a protocol decoder for that protocol). See the Example dumps wiki page for details. Packages, distros, installers sigrok Windows installer I'm currently working on updated Debian packages for sigrok (will be apt-get install sigrok to get everything), and we're happy about further packaging efforts for other distros. We have preliminary Windows installer files (using NSIS), but the Windows code needs some more fixes and portability improvements before it's really usable. On Mac OS X you can use fink/Macports to install as usual, fancier .app installer files are being worked on. Future Apart from support for more logic analyzers, input/output formats, and protocol decoders, we have a number of other plans for the next few releases. This includes support for analog data, i.e. support for (USB) oscilloscopes, multimeters, spectrum analyzers, and such stuff. This will also require additional GUI support (which could take a while). Also, we want to improve/fix the Windows support, and test/port sigrok to other architectures we come across. Performance improvements for the protocol decoding as well as more features there are also planned. Contact Feel free to contact us on the sigrok-devel mailing list, or in the IRC channel #sigrok on Freenode. There's also an group for sigrok. We're always happy about feedback, bug reports, suggestions for improving sigrok, and patches of course!

24 April 2012

Jonathan McDowell: The future is here again

Back in 2004 when Simon and I went full time with Black Cat one of the first things I did was sort out an ADSL offering, including native IPv6. We were one of the first UK ISPs to offer this (possibly the first; I know A&A had been doing tunneled IPv6 for a lot longer, but I'm not sure exactly when they enabled IPv6 on the PPP session. Also Bogons were fairly quick to enable it as well). By the middle of 2004 I was fully IPv6 enabled; my colo box had a native connection, my entire home network (a /64 for the wired, a /64 for the wireless) was configured, BCN had multiple native IPv6 connections to other ISPs (such as peering over LoNAP). By and large it just worked; I remember at one point looking at a traffic graph link from someone in Australia and them indicating surprise that I'd come in over v6. I hadn't noticed anything different than normal, which is exactly how it should be. When we sold BCN in 2007 unfortunately one of the casualties was the v6 support. The ISP that took over the ADSL wasn't setup to be able to continue the v6 support, nor were RapidSwitch, who took over most of the hosting (I note with sadness that RapidSwitch still don't seem to be offering v6, though they keep saying it's a work in progress). So I stopped having any v6 for some time, refusing to slum it with a tunnel. This changed at the start of last year, when I sought out new hosting for the. I ended up selecting Bytemark, partly because I knew of their commitment to v6. I'd chosen Sonic as my US access ISP, again partly because they offered an IPv6 tunnel service (while not as nice as native v6 over the DSL I felt that a tunnel provided by the DSL ISP was acceptable for access). However a combination of not having a machine that was always on at home, and a dynamic IP on my connection, meant that I never got round to configuring anything permanent up. Recently I got around to buying a little low powered box to be always-on and this week I finally looked at configuring it up as the tunnel endpoint, planning to do some sort of screen scraping of the web interface to automatically update the tunnel broker information for the rare occurrences when my IP changes. The first nice surprise was that Sonic are now doing static IPs for free (previously you could only have a block of 8 for $20/month extra). That makes things a lot easier. So tonight I configured up the little server as the tunnel endpoint, installing radvd and some basic v6 firewalling. As expected my laptop sees the RAs, automatically configures everything up and my ssh sessions start to go over IPv6 instead. Looks like my phone also does the same. I'm not entirely sure what the NAT on the ADSL router is doing and if inbound connections will fail if there's nothing outbound holding the translation entry active, but I'm sure I can work around that if it turns out to be a problem. I care more about access than hosting anything on the end of my DSL anyway. This means I'm finally almost back to where I was nearly 8 years ago, just in time for World IPv6 Launch day.

13 January 2012

Raphaël Hertzog: People Behind Debian: Steve McIntyre, debian-cd maintainer, former Debian Project Leader

Steve McIntyre has been contributing to Debian since 1996, 2 years before I joined! But I quickly stumbled upon Steve: in 1999, he was struggling with getting his debian-cd script to produce 2 ISO images (it was the first time that Debian did no longer fit on a single CD), I helped him by rewriting debian-cd with a robust system to split packages on as many ISO images as required. I remember those times very well because Steve was very supportive of my efforts and it was a real pleasure to get this done. His friendly nature probably also explains why he got elected Debian Project Leader twice! Anyway, enough history, check out his interview to learn more about the great work he s doing nowadays. My questions are in bold, the rest is by Steve. Raphael: Who are you? Steve: I m a professional software engineer, 37, living in Cambridge (England) with my new wife Jo. I studied for the EIST degree at the University of Cambridge, then (like many people here, it seems) I just forgot to go home again afterwards and settled here. I spent more of my study time playing with Linux than working on my degree, so I guess I m lucky that it worked and I found a career in that area! Raphael: How did you start contributing to Debian? Steve: During my time in college, I started hacking on software in my free time, using Slackware as my first Linux distribution from the middle of 1994. After encountering more and more problems with Slackware, I was encouraged by a number of friends to make the jump over to Debian and in October 1996 I did. The installation process back then was much harder than anything people see today, but after a long weekend I finally had my Debian system up and running. I was already one of the main upstream developers for the Mikmod music player at that time, so that very same weekend I applied to be a DD so I could maintain it in Debian too. Back then, the NM process was much simpler: I just mailed a key to Bruce and he set me up with an account almost immediately! I then found that Joey Hess had beaten me to it and already packaged Mikmod. Grrr! :-) Raphael: What s your biggest achievement within Debian? Steve: Without a doubt, my proudest achievement within Debian is being elected Project Leader for 2 years by the other developers. It s a great feeling to have earned the trust of your friends and peers, and also a great responsibility to go and help Debian where needed: talking to the press about Debian, assisting wherever problems crop up, etc. The DPL job is certainly a lot of hard work, and I have nothing but respect for anybody who volunteers for it.
It s a great feeling to have earned the trust of your friends and peers.
Elsewhere, I ve been leading the Debian CD team for years too, both doing most of the maintenance of the debian-cd package and producing and testing the regular installation CDs and DVDs that we ship to the world. Again, this is a time-consuming job but it needs doing and it s worthwhile. Raphael: You re currently employed by ARM. What are you working on and are they supportive of your Debian involvement? Steve: The situation within ARM is very interesting; I m employed in PDSW (Processor Division, SoftWare), a new group founded just a couple of years back to help improve the state of software on ARM. Most of the people in the group are working on Free Software at this stage (e.g. toolchains, browsers, Linux kernel), which is lovely. Some of the engineers have also been seconded into a new non-profit company Linaro, which is a collaboration between ARM and a number of other companies investing in core Linux software and tools for ARM-based CPUs. I m one of the ARM engineers in Linaro, and I m a Technical Architect in the Office of the CTO. My role includes looking at future projects for Linaro to help with (e.g. ARM servers), but for the last few months I ve been concentrating on the new armhf architecture in Debian, Ubuntu and elsewhere. armhf is a new architecture in Debian and Ubuntu terms, but it s not strictly a new type of hardware. Instead, it s a new ABI. We have two reasons for doing this work:
  1. It targets the latest version of 32-bit ARM CPUs (v7) and makes better use of the hardware, for better performance. Compare targetting i686 instead of i386, for example. We ll still support the older armel port for the foreseeable future for users with older hardware that can t run armhf.
  2. More importantly: we are standardising on the ABI / compiler options / hardware support for future users.
In the past, there has been a huge amount of specialisation (aka fragmentation) in the ARM Linux environment, and that worked OK for specialised devices that only ever ran the software shipped with them. ARM CPUs are now becoming more and more mainstream, so people will expect to be able to install generic software on their machines. That gives a requirement for a standard base platform, and armhf (arm-linux-gnueabihf in GNU triplet terms) is that standard that we are pushing in the community. Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Suse and others are all going to use this, making compatibility possible. I ve been working with a small team of people to make armhf happen, helping where needed: putting together build machines; patching Debian packages directly; discussing and fixing toolchain issues with Ubuntu folks; agreeing ABI specifications with people from Fedora; advising people from other distros bootstrapping their new ARM ports. ARM and Linaro are very supportive of this work, and it s been lovely being sponsored to work directly on Free Software like this. It s work that will directly benefit ARM and its partners (of course!), but it s also helping out more generally too: Debian QA work, cross-build support, bootstrapping efforts, multi-arch. More and more of the ARM market is driven by Free Software, and companies are acknowledging that. I should probably also mention that we re hiring ! :-) Raphael: What are your plans for Debian Wheezy? Steve: There are three main tracks here. Obviously, I m interested in seeing armhf release with Wheezy. We ve just been added to Testing last weekend, so that s going well. We ve got over 90% of the archive built now, and we re mopping up the remaining issues. I m the primary maintainer of cdrkit at this point, but I d prefer to have it go away. Xorriso and the associated software in libisoburn is almost capable of replacing all the aging cdrtools-derived software that we have in Debian, The only missing feature that I m aware of is creating the HFS hybrid filesystems that we use for installations on Mac systems. I ve been talking with the upstream folks about this for some time already, and I m hoping we can finish this soon enough that we can get it into Wheezy. Finally, I ve got the ever-growing wishlist of things for debian-cd. We ve got the beginnings of an automated test suite that Mart n Ferrari has written, but it needs integrating and improving. I want to help get regular weekly/daily/release debian-live builds running on the main CD build machine. There s work needed if we want to make good installation media for the new multi-arch world, too. The Emdebian people are asking for help making CD images The list goes on :-) Raphael: The ARM community seems to be very interested in multi-arch. Can you explain why? Steve: There are a number of reasons for ARM people to be interested in multi-arch; two really stand out for me:
  • With the historical issues around the plethora of ARM ABIs in the wild, multi-arch will allow us to potentially support multiple ABIs cleanly on one system. That allows users to have (for example) an up-to-date system that makes the most of their current hardware, yet also run legacy programs that might use an older ABI. There s also a new 64-bit architecture coming (ARMv8) which will run older 32-bit software; again, multi-arch makes mixed installation of old and new software reasonable.
  • ARM has traditionally been a common target for cross-compilation, and I d expect that to remain the case for a long time to come yet. For a lot of embedded developers, using a big fast i386/amd64 machine to compile is much faster than using a limited-power small ARM CPU. However, setting up sane cross-compilation environments has long been a bugbear for developers. Getting the toolchain and all the cross-architecture libraries to work together correctly can be like black magic. This is potentially the killer app for multi-arch: simply install the libraries for the target architecture directly on your development machine. Install a simple cross-gcc package and (maybe) qemu, and you re all set.
This is potentially the killer app for multi-arch: simply install the libraries for the target architecture [ ], install a simple cross-gcc package [ ] and you re all set.
Raphael: What s the biggest problem of Debian? Steve: For me, Debian s biggest problem has been the same for a long time: we are forever short of enough people to do the work that we re trying to do. That might sound like a weird thing to claim when Debian is one of the largest Free Software projects on the planet, but it s more a statement of just how huge our goals are. Many of the largest things in Debian are developed or controlled by very small teams working very hard, and there s always a risk of losing people due to burnout in those situations.
We are forever short of enough people to do the work that we re trying to do.
Some of the tasks that should be easy given our large membership (e.g. large-scale packaging transitions) can often instead take a very long time. We are fortunate to have more people wanting to join in Debian s work all the time, but we also need to be careful to keep on promoting what we re doing and recruiting new contributors, encouraging them to get more and more involved in core work. Debian gets ever bigger in terms of the size and the number of packages we distribute; we re not currently matching that growth rate elsewhere. Raphael: What motivates you to continue to contribute year after year? Steve: This one is much easier to answer! The thing that first attracted me to Debian was the fact that I could help to develop it, help to decide how things could and should be done within it. Instead of being forced to accept what some corporation decided I could do with my computer, I could change the software to suit my needs and preferences. Alongside that, I could get involved with a strong community of similar people all over the world, all with their own strong opinions about how software should work. I joined in and found it was great fun and very rewarding. That hasn t changed for me in the intervening years, and that s why I m still around. I work on Debian because it helps me to get the OS that I want to use. It seems that lots of people around the world find it useful too, and that s awesome. :-) Raphael: Do you believe that Stefano Zacchiroli will be the first DPL who managed to stay 3 consecutive years on the seat? Would you like him to candidate again? Steve: To be honest, I would be very surprised if Zack stood again for DPL this year. He told me himself that he wasn t planning on it, and I can understand that decision. He s been an awesome DPL in my opinion, and I m glad that he took the job. But: it is also a very difficult and time-consuming task that would be enough to wear down anybody. If Zack does decide to stand again, I would support him 100%. But I know that we also have lots of other good people in Debian who would be ready to take up the challenge next. Raphael: Is there someone in Debian that you admire for their contributions? Steve: There are lots of people I admire in Debian, so many so that I almost don t want to list individuals here for fear of missing people out. But :-) Bdale Garbee has been an inspiration to many of us, for many years. He s technically excellent, a great friend to many of us, an endless source of sage advice and (last but not least) he has some wonderful stories to tell about his experiences over the years. On top of that, he s just cool. :-) Christian Perrier is another exceptional developer, in my eyes he s great at co-ordinating people in translations, working tirelessly to make this very important part of Debian work better and better with every release. He s also a really nice guy and we all love him. I also have to mention Joey Hess here, whether he likes it or not. *grin* He s been responsible for so many good things in Debian over the years, even if he did steal my first package Finally, the teams of people who make sure that Debian is always working: the security team and DSA. The rest of us can choose to take time off from Debian to go and do other things, but these people need to cover things every day. That s a major responsibility, and I salute them for taking on that challenge.
Thank you to Steve for the time spent answering my questions. I hope you enjoyed reading his answers as I did. Note that you can find older interviews on

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13 November 2008

Tore S. Bekkedal: Following memes for fun and prophets.

Cute meme du jour:
  • Grab the nearest book.
  • Open it to page 56.
  • Find the fifth sentence.
  • Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
  • Don t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.
Well, OK. Page 56, fifth sentence:
“The functions of other software interrupt service routines are quite variable; The I/O postprocessing interrupt service routine has a specific function to perform but is data-driven by the I/O request packets (IRPs) in its work queue.”
I know at least one of the slightly more than one people (I count too, right?) who read my blog (Hi, Ian!) might well realize what book this came from: VAX/VMS Internals and Data Structures, by Ruth Goldenberg and Lawrence Kenah. Yes, the book really was the closest to me - I have an overdesk shelf, and it was the furthest out. The book, by the way, is a fascinating read; I don’t know of any other book that lays out the design of an entire OS kernel in the really quite elegant way that this book does. I got mine signed by Ruth, too, which is pretty damn cool. :) One highlight of this book are the quotes at the beginning of each chapter - sometimes funny, sometimes profound, frequently both. I decided to list those from the first part here, for the enjoyment of both my readers.
Part I
Chapter 1, System Overview:
For the fashion of Minas Tirith was such that it was built on seven levels, each delved into a hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each wall was a gate.
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
Chapter 2, VAX Interrupts and Exceptions
“By indirections find directions out.”
- Shakespeare, Hamlet, 2, i
3, Hardware Interrupts
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven
4. Software Interrupts
And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine.
William Wordsworth, She Was A Phantom Of Delight
5. Condition Handling
“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?”
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,” said the Cat.
Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
6. System Service Dispatching
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
T. S. Eliot, The Hollow Men
7. ASTs (Asynchronous Software Traps, ed.)
What you want, what you’re hanging around in the world
waiting for, is for something to occur to you.
Robert Frost
8. Synchronization Techniques
“Time,” said George, “why I can give you a definition of time. It’s what keeps everything from happening at once.”
Ray Cummings, The Man Who Mastered Time
9. Event Flags
I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me.
Abraham Lincoln, Letter to A. G. Hodges, April 4, 1864
10. Lock Management
‘Tis in my memory lock’d
And you yourself shall keep the key of it.
Shakespeare, Hamlet, 1, iii
11. Time Support
Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime,
Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.
John Donne, The Sun Rising
12. Scheduling
It is equally bad when one speeds on the guest unwilling to go, and when he holds back one who is hastening. Rather one should befriend the guest who is there, but speed him when he wishes.
Homer, The Oddysey
13. Process Control and Communication
I was alone and unable to comunicate with anyone. I did not know the names of anything. I did not even know things had names. Then one day, after she had tried a number of approaches, my teacher held my hand under the water pump on our farm. As the cool water ran over my hand and arm, she spelled the word water in my other hand. She spelled it over and over, and suddenly I knew there was a name for things and that I would never be completely alone again.
Helen Keller

31 May 2008

Matthew Garrett

In other news, I am now in London and will be having a housewarming next Saturday (the 7th). whois will give you the address. Nearby stations include Battersea Park and Queenstown Road. Nearest tube is probably Clapham Common. 137, 156 and 452 buses stop at Priory Road, less than 5 minutes away. A bunch more stop at Wandsworth Road station, which is also a fairly short walk. It'll be an all day affair, so feel free to drop in at any time of the day assuming you don't fall into one of these categories:
  • I have expressed a deep and abiding hope that you die in a freak accident in the near future
  • I have threatened to stab you to death and you suspect I wasn't joking
  • You have OMG A GURLed in a sincere manner within the past 18 months
  • I hate you
  • I have absolutely no idea who you are and so am unable to determine whether or not I hate you in advance
Bring food/booze/entertaining people.

23 January 2008

Robert Collins: 23 Jan 2008

Tracing python programs. Today, Evan Dandrea asked a general question "Where is set -x for python". A quick google for sys.settrace found: Some code snippets. I thought this was nice, but surely you want to be able to just trace an arbitrary program. So I present a 'quick hack' (5 minutes precisely :)) to do that based on the previous links final version:
#!/usr/bin/env python
 import linecache
import os
import os.path
import sys
 def traceit(frame, event, arg):
    if event == "line":
        lineno = frame.f_lineno
        filename = frame.f_globals["__file__"]
        if (filename.endswith(".pyc") or
            filename = filename[:-1]
        name = frame.f_globals["__name__"]
        line = linecache.getline(filename, lineno)
        print "%s:%s: %s" % (name, lineno, line.rstrip())
    return traceit
 def main():
    search_path = os.environ.get('PATH',
    argv = sys.argv[1:]
    if not argv:
        raise Exception("No command to trace supplied")
    args = argv[1:]
    command = argv[0]
    if os.path.sep not in command:
        for path in search_path:
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, command)):
                command = os.path.join(path, command)
    del sys.argv[0]
    source = open(command, 'rt')
    exec_symbols = dict(globals())
    exec_symbols['__name__'] = '__main__'
    exec source in exec_symbols, exec_symbols

1 December 2007

Joey Hess: my mpd setup

One of the hard things about getting started with mpd is that there seems to be little documentation about the details of how other people use it. Instead you're given a collection of great tools and an excellently designed system, and expected to build your own personal music playing setup out of them with little direction. So I thought I'd document mine. There are several computers around the house that run mpd. One in my office, one has speakers in the bedroom. My laptop, of course. And I put a nslu2 in the living room in a fun lego case that embeds the little computer into a remote controlled speaker (photos when I find a camera). All of these machines have their music libraries synchronised using unison. I use sonata as a graphical frontend and browser. I keep one instance of sonata running on my desktop in the office, so I can go there to change music if my laptop's not on. Also so guests can change the music. I like to listen to whole albums at a time, and sonata doesn't make this especially easy in its user interface. I eventually realised that the best way to do it, for me, was to create a separate playlist for each album. Sonata does make it really easy to click on a playlist and start playing it. I wrote mpgenplaylists to automatically generate those playlists for me. I wrote a set of commands that I can use to transfer state between my mpd daemons. The easiest to use and most useful of these is mpswap, which swaps the state of two daemons. Generally I only have one mpd playing at a time, and the others are paused, though it'll also swap the states of two running mpds. So if I run "mpswap dodo dragon", the music that had been playing in my bedroom starts coming out the speakers in the office. Same song, not a single missed note. That's pretty handy. Or I can run "mpswap dodo" to swap state with my laptop, and carry the music out of the house with me. (This would be more seamless if I carried some bluetooth wundergadget so my computers knew where I am, but I think I'll pass.) Another tool I wrote is mpstore, which dumps the mpd daemon state out to stdout, so it can be saved to a file and later loaded with mpload. I use this when I'm listening to audiobooks, to store my place. Another one is mpfade, that can wake me up by slowly fading in music. Or slowly fade out and stop. Writing these little hacks is addictive, but I won't bore you with the rest. On some of the servers I run mpd-dynamic, a daemon that watches the playlist and makes sure it always has 10 unplayed items in it, chosing new items at random. It also removes old played items from the playlist. This is nice if I want music going without the bother of picking what. I typically add some albums to the playlist, and then when they're done, it keeps playing random stuff until I manually add something else. I do want to find something that can more intelligently pick things to play. I tried lastfmpdqc, but didn't like its results. Switching to mpd has meant that the filenames of mp3s matter again, since mpd UIs expose the filenames (a pity). I used exfalso to clean up all my file names based on the music's tags. I also added ReplayGain information to all my music so mpd can use it to normalise volume. BTW, after all this, I'll probably still only listen to music for an average of 3 hours per week.
mpd-dynamic is in the Audio::MPD perl module. mpdswap, mpdstore, mpfade, mpgenplaylists, and more are in mpdtoys.

21 May 2007

MJ Ray: the Cooperative Group: United merger

bill watson commented:
"Excellent report. I'm a member of Co-op Group (Northern) and also United. United is an extremely well run outfit with well maintained shops. They also have about 30 petrol stations, mostly in Yorkshire and Greater Manchester. The fear from United members, on the proposed merger, is that focus will be lost and regional investment diluted. United are also trialing factory made shop units which are erected on-site (similar to the way McDonalds do it). This gives a turnaround time of about 16 weeks from start to shop opening. There is one not far from me (Ditton) and it's very popular. The United website United Acquisitions gives lots of info on this and other things."
I've mixed feelings on modular build (McStores?) - it makes the construction greener, but there seems little information on the long-term energy use of the store. Maybe it's simply unknown yet. The offer of a finder's fee for new store sites is interesting. I wonder if that will spread to the Co-operative Group after the merger. As I understand it, the fear from tCG members is that we're getting a lot of new members and a new chief exec who seems to have a very different focus to the members. I'm sure we'd be happy to see well-run and well-maintained shops, but will it mean even more centralisation and all the mistakes that means? Like stocking no Somerset Cheddars in some Somerset stores, with the confusing excuse that (as far as I could understand - see previously-mentioned answers to AGM food questions) no supplier offers enough units that meet the specifications or it's unsuitable for our type of stores ("Welcome"). I'm glad so many people liked the report, anyway.

4 May 2007

David Nusinow: Useful Informations On The Internets

Did you ever want to know how a video card works? Here you go, courtesy of the fine folks at and the DRI project: How Video Cards Work and Radeon Architecture.

22 September 2006

Clint Adams: 430EE1

Well, she didn't look as pretty as some others I have known, and she wasn't good at conversation when we were alone, but she had a way of making me believe that I belonged, and it felt like coming home when I found her. She seemed to be so proud of me just walking, holding hands, and she didn't think that money was the measure of a man, and we seemed to fit together when I held her in my arms, and it left me feeling warm, when I loved her. Because she brightened up the day like the early morning sun, and she made what I was doing seem worthwhile It's the closest thing to living that I guess I've ever known, and it made me want to smile, when I loved her. I know some of us were born to cast our fortunes to the winds, and I guess I'm bound to travel down a road that never ends, but I know I'll never look upon the likes of her again, and I'll never understand why I lost her.

5 September 2006

Clint Adams: Virginia Woolf is not wearing pants

I dined with some lit. fags, and so I got to hear all about which establishments had been raided lately, and about the intricacies of Gay Purim, and about some girl who did biographical research on Wordsworth and concluded that he was a really happy guy. I stared at them disbelievingly when they told me that reading the Da Vinci Code would keep me entertained for a couple hours. They stared at me when I told them that Bernie and Vecchio were at Lincoln Center with a bunch of teenagers. At the time, none of us knew that a Presbyterian church was holding classes on unlocking the Da Vinci Code . Of course, the word church near Da Vinci reminds me that Da Vinci was gay, and well, check out how many google hits there are for da vinci gay hanky code I'm going to be so disappointed if I ever find out what the Da Vinci Code really is. We shoveled our mouths full of . Well, it was fake; probably we were consuming , but we'll never know for certain. It was still better than I had anticipated. It has been said that I should pick up a copy of The Chinese Kitchen by Eileen Yin-Fei Lo. There is a tenuous alternate link between Eileen and Cantonese food, but not one that will be obvious to anyone reading, not even to a . Now Annie wants Purse to blog, but there are several metaphorically-crenelated okols which are getting in the way, and that's a shame, but sometimes it's better to stop fighting things and just let them roll right over you. Sometimes it's not. Annie can't possibly know whether or not disturbing the balance will be catastrophic, but she can guess. I wonder if B la Fleck has ever played Bizarre Love Triangle on the banjo.

9 July 2006

Clint Adams: Rubber tard hats for Duncan and Brady

As human beings, we operate on stereotypes and snap judgments. Purse is getting kicked in the groin by a girl with pointy shoes. Pointy shoes went out of fashion 600 years ago. Tell her that, Purse. In the twentieth century, I was at a wrap party for Kondom des Grauens, and I leaned over to my friend and pointed and said, What do you think her ethnicity is? He looked at her, even though I hear that such behavior can get you locked up in this country, and he replied, Well, I don't think this, but I think you think that she's half-Japanese, half-black. I said, Uh, close, because he was half-correct, and, though I was somewhat surprised by his response, I made my way across the private room at Life, which exists no longer, steering around the sphere of unpleasantness cast by Joe Fleishaker, who still exists. Excuse me, I said to the girl, rudely interrupting her friends' vapid chatter. Are you half-Japanese? She smiled, and she cheerfully answered, No. I'm totally Polish! Somewhat surprised by the response, I had nothing else to say but Oh. Wow. Then I got the hell out of there. Purse missed the last ferry to Nanaimo. Obviously he was not sweating at the time. Obviously. So I was in this elevator in Brussels, just having fled from an angry mob of sprouts on the street, and this guy looks at me and says . I had nothing else to say but Oh, you're American, he said. How offensive is that? You looked like a Saudi national. Then he got the hell out of there. and no Atom feed? Dammit, Purse. In a different elevator in Geneva, a young Iraqi girl said to her brother, but she slurred it so it sounded more like . People were disturbed. The Iraqis were wearing pointy shoes. Go figure. Purse: Gary is a cat. You knew that once. In a Red Lobster, a woman asks her waitress, Are you from Singapore? Yes, I am, replies the waitress, seemingly not curious at all about how someone could possibly determine that. It's very clean there, isn't it? Yes, it's very clean. Chewing gum is illegal. Yes, it's forbidden. Purse hasn't even heard the story about conclusions reached from biographical research on Wordsworth. Upon meeting Kim Lee, the man uttered a phrase in Korean. Huh? Mr. Lee responded with the quickness. Oh, you don't speak Hangul? the man said, as if this question made sense. Don't be stupid, said the man's wife. They're from Hong Kong. Mr. and Mrs. Lee gasped. How did you know that? they stammered. The man's wife was too polite to answer them.

15 January 2006

Edd Dumbill: The Web as it was meant to be used

Since giving XTech 2006 the tagline "Building Web 2.0", I've received a few questions as to how wise this was. The Web 2.0 label has been accused in some quarters of being a vague, marketing-oriented, term. Perhaps an attempt to kickstart a new bubble. I was going to write further, defending my choice: that, practically speaking, Web 2.0 encapsulates a combination of technologies and practices driving the web forward. Yes, it's a label of convenience, but the implementation trends are real. The maturation of XML, a revival in browser technology, a willingness to share data openly and new web development frameworks. Just as I embarked on distilling these thoughts into a fuller form, Paul Graham published an excellent essay on Web 2.0. In it he analyses the Web 2.0 term:
Does "Web 2.0" mean anything? Till recently I thought it didn't, but the truth turns out to be more complicated. Originally, yes, it was meaningless. Now it seems to have acquired a meaning. And yet those who dislike the term are probably right, because if it means what I think it does, we don't need it.
So what's the reasoning that means we don't need the term? Graham writes: "Web 2.0 means using the web the way it's meant to be used." There's nothing fundamentally new, but there is a groundswell of understanding of what's been there all along. For me, that's a wonderful encapsulation of both current web trends and my aspirations for XTech. "Web 2.0" is a just a handy label for this. "The Web as it was meant to be used" will strike a chord with many web practitioners today--whether it's sensible use of web services with REST, improving user interaction in web design, or open semantics and data interchange. If you're involved in using the web as it's meant to be used, consider submitting an XTech proposal.

